What Every Dallas Property Owner Ought To Know About Brown Recluse Spiders

brown recluse spider crawling on ground near a house

You might already know what makes brown recluse spiders dangerous, but read on to find out more about how to identify these arachnids, why their bites are so harmful, and what it means when brown recluse spiders keep showing up in your Dallas area home.

Brown Recluse Identification Tips For Dallas Homeowners

Brown recluse spiders share many traits with other spiders, so they are often misidentified. Like most arachnids, these pests have eight legs, multiple sets of eyes, and feed on other insects as their prey. The “brown” in brown recluse is slightly misleading, as the spider varies from tan to near-black.
Brown recluses are big. These pests grow around an inch in length, and they have a distinct violin-shaped marking on their back that makes them easier to identify. If a large spider hides in weird corners of your house and pops out randomly, it’s safe to guess you have a brown recluse.
These pests live year-round in Dallas but are most active in June, July, and August. While brown recluse spiders tend to stay out of the way and live only near their nests, you should keep your distance if you see one in your Dallas property.

Why Brown Recluse Spiders Are Dangerous In Dallas 

All spiders have fangs and venom, but a brown recluse’s bite is particularly dangerous for humans. If you think you’ve been bitten by a brown recluse, always seek immediate medical attention. You’ll know it’s a spider bite if two small holes are in the center of the welt – those are fang marks.
A brown recluse’s venom is dangerous because it immediately kills the cells it comes into contact with. This cell death, known as apoptosis, spreads depending on the amount of venom injected into the bloodstream.
Brown recluse venom is rarely fatal, but if this venom travels to any internal organs it may be life-threatening, which is why medical attention is so important in the event of a brown recluse bite.
Additionally, brown recluse bites hurt. The bite will linger for at least a week and stay tender and painful to the victim. Sometimes, a brown recluse might bite you because you step too close; if you have a spider bite, don’t know what bit you, and the bite hurts a lot, it’s time to see a doctor.

Brown Recluse Prevention Tips

To keep brown recluse spiders away from your Dallas property, consider the following prevention tips:

  • Seal your household. Spiders often get in through the cracks in your doorframe, windows, and masonry, so sealing and caulking will keep them out.
  • Trim shrubs, bushes, and foliage. Spiders like to camp out in unmaintained shrubs and bushes
  • Clear webs around your property. If a spider’s web are continuously destroyed, it will probably rebuild another one further away.
  • Check for other infestations. Spiders move where the food is, so you might have another infestation if you keep finding brown recluse spiders in the house.

Finally, never deal with a brown recluse spider infestation on your own. If a brown recluse got into your Dallas property, contact pest professionals who know what they’re doing. The experts at Dynasty Pest Control are ready to secure your home from these dangerous arachnids, so reach out today!